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发起人:eew323  回复数:11  浏览数:16460  最后更新:2012/8/14 17:22:49 by c0in0g

发表新帖  帖子排序:
2012/8/14 17:05:09

角  色:普通会员
发 帖 数:11
Ghost Hunting Geiger Counter
Ghost Hunting Geiger Counter

In the absence of specific theories being tested, the Geiger counter still helps us monitor another variable that could later be used to explain reported paranormal experiences at our ghost hunting site. We feel that knowing as much about the environment our ghost investigations occur in, lends us a greater possibility to notice patterns, or other explanations for any anomalies being investigated.

Geiger counters for sale, often used during ghost hunts

Alright just so we are clear, much of the equipment discussed on could be classified under "radiation" (ionizing or non-ionizing etc.) meters however, in an effort to reach as many people from as many different backgrounds we thought it important to separate out a few specific pieces of popular equipment used while ghost hunting. Here we are looking more narrowly at the popular Geiger counter. So if you ve been around for any period of time, you ve probably seen one of these being used but why and how exactly does one work.

Typical Geiger counters show levels Geiger counters for sale of and variances in beta- gamma- and alpha-wave radiation. When used for investigating reports of paranormal phenomena we are again looking to monitor as many variables in the environment as possible in hopes of developing a testable theory.

As with most things, you can find Geiger counters that are completely digital and others that have the bouncing analog needle. It may come down to personal preference most of the time with digital versus analog, however with Geiger counters it does seem that digital models do have additional features. It really comes down to the preference of the ghost hunter themselves. With the extra options, you will also find more cost with you initial purchase. One specific type of Geiger counter that you may want to be hesitant about is the ever popular yellow, analog style counter with the handle over the top.